Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Preparing for Christmas

It is time to prepare for Christmas. 'What???' I can hear you say. Well, if you plan to make your own personalised Christmas gifts then it is time to make a list and get cracking as it does take a little longer than a quick visit to Big W to pick up something ready-made. I thought I would collate a few of the projects I have made which might give you a few ideas, especially if you have some little girls on your Christmas List.

Firstly there is the quick and easy Lazy Day Skirt 



Something a bit more time consuming is a Quiet Book but the result is worth the time spent crafting each page with love.


For the adults there are the Sew Retro Victorian Pincushions




Decorate with Christmas Calico Angels .... 


...and tie your gift up with a Reusable Bow.

Well, there are a few ideas which might be helpful and get you started. After all there are ONLY five months left till Christmas and we all know how time flies :-)


  1. Need i say more - see email winging its way to you.

  2. I always say I am going to start early and be done on time so that there is no "stress" during the Christmas season...I never get to it! :(

  3. So many projects and all oh so useful or pretty. I have made the tissue holders and bunting and I love the calico angel ... made several of them a couple of years ago!! I am not sure that I need reminding just how close Christmas is ... it seems to come around quicker each year!

  4. christmas, oh please don't remind us soo early i have way too many other things to think about, we haven't even done out tax yet.

  5. And I did say I was going to start the Christmas gifts before November this year! Thanks for the reminder, I had almost forgotten the quiet book and I had planned on one for Miss Lily! Lots of good ideas!


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