Sunday, 27 July 2014

Simple Living Toowoomba Pasta Making Workshop

Yesterday we had a great Pasta Making Workshop which was presented by Joshua Phillips, the son of our presenter Ron who showed us how to make various cheeses in a previous workshop. Joshua was helped by his mum, Jennylyn who was relegated the task of cleaning most mums are :-)

I made pasta a couple of times last winter and made such a mess I thought I would give it a miss until winter this year when we seem to eat more pasta so the workshop was very timely. Joshua has now made pasta about twenty or so times so obviously practice makes perfect and we all learned a lot about making sauces to serve with pasta and had a taste test as well.

Firstly we were shown how to make the pasta with 100g 00 flour + 1 egg per person. This was then put through the pasta maker, folded and put through again and again until it was the correct consistency. The photo above of the extremely well rolled pasta was to show what an exceptional job was done by our fearless leader, Margy. I told her I would give her a mention :-)

 When it was the correct thickness the pasta was then cut into strips...

....and put into boiling water to cook.


 While it was cooking, Joshua whipped up some absolutely delicious pesto using basil, pine nuts, parmesan cheese grated with a microplane,garlic, olive oil and salt.

 It was added to the pasta and we all had a taste test. Well, you couldn't get a better dish in an Italian restaurant!

Then it was on to the next batch of pasta making.

This batch was cut on the pasta maker...

...and while it was cooking a sauce was made using chorizo, portobello mushrooms, feta cheese probably made by his dad, white wine, tomatoes and something else which I can't remember now. Again we had a taste test and it was also very yummy.

There was a little pasta left so Joshua showed us how to make ravioli ...

...which was served with a sage and butter sauce. I think Joshua could give Jamie Oliver a run for his money. :-)

Prior to the workshop we had our monthly morning tea and swap and there were these fabulous homemade soaps and lotion bars as well as vapor rub which were scooped up very quickly. I brought home a couple of tallow soaps and am looking forward to using it.

Annette, who makes lovely knitted and crocheted items brought along a couple of dishcloths and scarves. I brought home the darker dishcloth done in the basketweave pattern. 

All in all, it was a great morning and I learned something new and met lots of friendly people who I had never met before. Come along to our next workshop if you live in the area. You would be most welcome. 

UPDATE 29/8/14

Here are the recipes for the sauces Joshua made at the workshop:

Pasta (per person)
Ingredients: 100g ‘oo’ flour
                          1 egg

Method: Place flour & egg into food processor.
                   Process until the mixture resembles bread crumbs.
                   Place on clean bench & knead until combined then continue kneading for 3-5 min.
                   Wrap in cling wrap & rest in the fridge for half to one hour.
                   Process through pasta machine or roll out using a rolling pin.
                   Cut into desired shape & toss in flour.
                   Place in salted boiling water for 3-5min until al dente.

Basil Pesto
Ingredients: 1 bunch basil
                         Olive oil
                         2 cloves garlic
                         100g parmesan cheese
                         60-80g pine nuts

Method: Place ingredients into a food processor except the salt.
                  Add enough olive oil to produce a paste of desired consistency.
                   Season with salt to taste.
                   Toss through pasta and serve with freshly grated parmesan and lemon rind.

Napoli Sauce
Ingredients: ½ onion
                         2 cloves garlic
                         1 can tomato
                         4-5 portabello mushrooms
                         50g chorizo sausage
                         1 tblspn olive oil
                         toasted pine nuts
                         ricotta cheese (optional)
                         250mL dry white wine

Method: Soften garlic & onion in heated olive oil.
                   Deglaze pan with white wine
                   Add tomatoes & chorizo & stir for 1 minute.
                   Meanwhile, toast pine nuts until lightly browned in another pan
                   Add mushrooms & cook until softened.
                   Season to taste, add toasted pine nuts & crumbled ricotta.


  1. Oh Nana Chel, what a fabulous morning. I did my back in on Friday, so a long car trip was not an option. Can't wait to live a bit closer to be able to participate more often - back permitting :)

  2. That's no good, Barb.:-( It was a great workshop. Vicki Ann from the forum was there and was asking if you would be coming as you had come to a previous one. We will all have to catch up for a coffee sometime when you are both in town.

  3. Gosh you guys have a good thing going on up there. Joshua is going to make a great husband. Not only because he can cook (and boy can he cook) but because he thinks its a cool thing to hang out with a bunch of ladies and demonstrate pasta making. I hope he enjoyed himself as well.

    You sure have a good thing going on up there with your group.

    Cheers Nanna.

    1. Ha ha Lynda...I was pleased that another young man came along as well otherwise Joshua would have been cooking just for the ladies. He certainly can cook.

  4. Sounds like a great day and isn't it nice to enjoy the company of others and have fun while you do it?

  5. Yes Joolz, it was a fun time meeting others with the same interests and everyone is very friendly.

  6. All this great food! There is not any place or person doing any of these things here.

    I have such ravioli envy.

    1. Well, you will have to start a trend, J. :-)

  7. Thanks for sharing, Nanna Chel. I wish I could have been there. Joshua did a great job by the looks of all that yumminess.

    1. Yes, he did an amazing job, Shiralee. I hope you can make it to the next workshop.

  8. Looks like I missed a great yummy morning lol.i must pull my pasta maker down of the shelf and use it.

    1. I have both a manual and an electric pasta maker, Mandy. Both have been unused for 12 months or so but are about to be dusted off. Thanks for the info about the fermenting. I rang the lady this morning and am waiting to hear back from her. Hopefully she will say yes.

  9. They look easy, thanks for the recipes Chel.


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