Saturday, 2 January 2016

STOP! Don't throw out those Christmas cards!

I know that most of you are such organised little vegemites that you have already taken down your Christmas cards and are getting ready to put them in the recycle bin if you have that facility where you live. Before you do that though, take a good look at them and pick out some that you can use to make new Christmas cards, gift tags or decorations for Christmas 2016.

For inspiration I did a search on Pinterest for recycling Christmas cards and this page came up with so many good ideas. One such idea was to make little gift boxes out of suitable cards and there was a link to Pillow Box Template on Crafty Journal. When I saw that page I remembered I had a template from back in the day when I used to do a lot of craft work so dug through my craft supplies and found it as well as ....

would you believe it....the box from a McDonald's Apple Pie which must be about twenty years old. 

 Obviously I kept it to use as a template and, as it happened, it was just the right size to make a nice gift box out of a colourful card in which I could fit a cake of soap made in my mould from Aussie Soap Supplies which I bought when I first started making soap and before I realised I could buy silicon moulds from the $2 shops. If you would like to buy some nice moulds just click on the link and check out what are available. The one in the photo isn't available anymore from what I gather but there are some other nice ones there.

You can also use parts of a card for gift cards. Just use a hole puncher to make a hole to thread ribbon through and attach it to your gift. This would be a fun thing for Aussie children to do while still on school holidays and then they can be packed away till Christmas...the gift tags not the children ;-) There are some more ideas on My Untangled Life.

Another idea is to cut out part of the cards to make new ones which could be another job for the children. You can buy scissors with decorative edges fairly cheaply these days which would come in handy for this job. 

I am sure most people remember the old Christmas card gift baskets. They have been around forever and I found a really good tutorial on DIY Gift World...How to Make Recycled Gift Baskets. If you don't have the space to store these then you could cut out the templates and sew around them with blanket stitch as is done in the video and then store them flat until later in the year when you can then join all the templates together. Check out this Pinterest page if you like these baskets as there are more tutorials there and lots of photos including some of vintage baskets...vintage being what was around when I was young. Sigh! Some baskets have even been made from old books.

So there are a few ideas on how to recycle your Christmas cards. I hope there is something there to inspire you. 

Have a great weekend everyone. If you live in SE Queensland enjoy the rain.


  1. What a wonderful idea, thank you so much for sharing. Happy 2016 ; )

  2. such cute ideas. This reminds me of when we did all of those things; I am especially tickled by those sewn-together card baskets. They were so much fun to make.

    Now neither I or my friends send Christmas cards. Well, two do, and I did use one on a project. I grabbed the mail on my way to the library to attend a little workshop on making folded paper Christmas stars from scrapbook paper. I used a dark-ish patterned paper and cut out the wee snowman from the front of the card I had just grabbed from the mailbox and glued it to the front of the star.

    I guess that is at least a fifty-percent use of what I had. :)

    1. Those gift baskets bring back memories of the past, don't they J?

  3. Love the 'pillow box'! That one goes in the to do pile, thanks for another good idea!!

    1. I made heaps of these back in the day, Kathy.

  4. Chel,

    I didn't send many Christmas cards this year, and I didn't receive many either. Perhaps there's a connection there! But I do have a big box of cards from previous years. I now know what to do with them. Thanks for all the suggestions! Happy New Year!

    1. Sue, with postage going up it is getting much too expensive to send many cards. Postage went up to $1 a stamp today!!!

  5. Thankyou for all the ideas. I always hate to throw out the cards.

    1. I am a bit sentimental too so it is hard throwing some of them out.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Chrissy. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  7. I laughed to see the 20 yer old McDonalds Apple Pie box.I've heard it said that their hamburgers last just as long.. LOL!! I only received 6 cards Chel but the gift tag idea appeals to me so will use them for that instead of recycling. Thanks!

    1. Hutchy, it was definitely a long time ago that I last ate a Maccas apple pie. LOL!

  8. Thanks Nanna Chel, really they are so useful and I love re using the pretty ones. One thing I do is when you pack biscuits into a cellophane bag as a gift, put a cut out square of a nice card behind it. Mmm ok inside the bag at the back of the biscuits. It looks noce and adds to the theme and kind of the biscuits sit nicely against it. I hope you get what I mean! Xxx

    1. Annabel, you always have such great ideas to pretty things up :-)


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