Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Would you like to learn how to sew?

Being the start of a brand new year many of us decide to learn a new skill or resurrect one that we haven't used for a number of years. Personally I want to learn more about knitting than just how to knit plain and purl so have enrolled in a Craftsy course starting with the basics. Mind you, I didn't realise that the young girl running the course knitted a different way from how I had been taught and does Continental knitting not English knitting like I do. So that was the first shock I got. Then when teaching how to cast on she used the Long Tail Cast-on method so that absolutely threw me as I knew nothing about it. Then I was worried as I had taught my granddaughter how to cast on using a completely different method and had taught her English knitting. However, I don't think it matters and we all have to start somewhere and as she learned how to knit garter stitch at the age of 6 I think she will easily pick up all the methods eventually. Perhaps quicker than her Nanna though:-)

 Anyway, back to the sewing. If you are interested in learning how to do some basic sewing and would like to make a coaster like this then come over to the Down to Earth Simple Living Forums, join up and we will help you to achieve your goal of learning how to sew in 2016.

There are a number of members who are just beginning their sewing journey and you will have plenty of company so there is no need to feel inadequate. The more experienced members can answer your questions and help you to make your first work of art. 

The motto for the year on the forums is 

2016, it's time to make a change

This year I hope to improve my crochet, knitting and sewing skills so come and join us. 

My daughter, son-in-law and the grandchildren are enjoying their time at the beach before heading back to the Outback. Today was a really rainy day on the coast as well as here so hopefully tomorrow it will be fine again and the children can go to the beach and enjoy the sun and surf. I am not sure if the highway is open to the North West but I sure hope it is unlike their trip back during the floods of 2011 which was a bit of a nightmare for this Nanna until I heard they were back home once again. 

We have had some good rain and it has been wonderful to hear that some of our drought stricken areas in the west have also received some but it is not enough to break the drought unfortunately as almost 90% of Queensland is drought declared. We seem to alternate between drought, floods and cyclones so never a dull moment if you are a Queenslander. LOL!

Have a great week everyone and don't forget to come and join us on the Down to Earth Simple Living Forums if you would like to meet a great group of people who will help you if you want to be more organised, be a better cook, learn different crafts, prepare for emergencies, make your own soap and the list goes on. You would be most welcome. See you there!



  1. Oh how I wish it were summer time here! I can't stand winter any more! I have a few sewing skills but until my family is raised and I can stay home more I won't be able to refine those skills. Can't wait though!
    Good to see you this New Year. I've not been very good at getting around, life has been so busy!
    God Bless and hope your having a wonderful day!

    1. I hope it warms up for you soon, Monica. I can't imagine what winter would be like in the Northern Hemisphere.

  2. well done Chel, have shared at our FB page too xxx

  3. Thanks Sue. i haven't ventured over there to the 'dark side' yet. LOL!

  4. This year I am challenging myself to do more with crochet. I have already made my grandchild, due later in the year, a pair of crocheted cowboy boots. I've never made booties before so am feeling I have accepted my own challenge. I want to explore more ways of using recycled materials in my sewing projects. I have begun this by making some newborn modern cloth nappies with materials I already had in my stash and cupboards. 2016 is going to be a great year! Have fun with your knitting. I must knit like Yu as the continental knitting completely confuses me. Here's to many successful projects and lots of fun on the way.

    1. Good on you for challenging yourself with your crochet, Jane. I want to improve a number of my craft skills this year.

  5. Sewing is a dream of mine. But I am trying to save up for a machine. I would love to learn some basic hand stitching skills. I would love to know how to do some simple things by hand.

    1. Chrissy, you should come over to the DTE forum and we will help you with your sewing.

  6. I've thought about a craftsy course. I never thought about the difference in methods.
    Please drop by and say hello!

    Have a wonderful winter season!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  7. Glad you popped in Laura. The courses were half price when I enrolled. I didn't realise there were different methods of knitting to be honest.

  8. you and all the lovely ladies on the forum have convienced me to bring my sewing machine out agatn for some bigger projects not just altering my clothes

  9. We look forward to seeing your new projects.

  10. I may try knitting again one if these days but for now working on honing my skills in sewing and crochet. Winter is my favorite time for both of these so am in 'hog heaven'!! I will pop over to the forum again as well, just forget to look there! Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Yes don't forget to visit the forum, Kathy. Lots happening there.

  11. My dearest friend, Ruth, has caught the continental knitting bug and raves about it. I thought I'd give it a go soon. Are you enjoying it or have you stayed with the English method?

    1. I haven't tried it yet, Jenny. I think I can do the course without learning it but the demonstrator says it is quicker which is why she uses that method.

  12. My mom taught me the long tail method of casting on and English style (American, too) knitting as a child. I taught myself Continental knitting from Youtube and I love it, but as I am older I find that I can't knit that way for long as it is very hard on my wrists. I can do English style knitting for a bit longer but still have to watch myself. Thankfully, croquet doesn't seem to bother my wrists - or sewing. I would love to learn to do dressmaking better than my very beginner skills. I'm sad now that I let Mom do all the sewing and didn't learn more from her. I have loads of fabric and all the kit - I just need to make myself practice!

    1. Shelley, I might learn the long tail method one of these days. I heard that someone else had problems with their wrists when using the Continental knitting method. I will stick with the English method I think.


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