Friday, 8 January 2016

A crafty week

You may have read about my accidental visit to the Boxing Day sales recently when I ventured out to Spotlight to buy some fabric for my grandchildren while there was 40% off. I have spent some time this week making a couple of skirts for the girls and a pair of little shorts for the baby who is now pretty well walking.

One of my granddaughters loves dogs so she picked out some doggie fabric for a skirt and her older sister....

...picked out this pinkish fabric. At least I hope that is the one she picked out as I didn't buy it when they were with me. I used Dana's  Simple Skirt tutorial. This is an easy skirt to make and would be suitable for those new to sewing. 

I used the animal fabric for the baby's shorts as well and his mum will have to adjust the elastic in the waistband when they arrive in the mail. I had bought one of Dana's shorts patterns and used the tutorial for Sewing Kid Shorts: The Basic Shorts . This is also a very easy tutorial to follow and I would recommend it to beginners as well.

 I finished off the clothes this week on the off chance that they would drive this way on route to home tomorrow but it does add a couple of hours to their already long trip so I am pleased they will be taking the shorter route as the forecast temp for the Outback areas over the weekend is about 40C. My son-in-law has to start back at work on Monday so they won't get back till late on Sunday. The roads up there are treacherous from dusk due to kangaroos and other animals deciding to take a walk or a hop on the highway so they need to get home during daylight. However, it doesn't get dark till an hour or so later than down here in the SE so that gives them a little bit of extra time.

Remember the icy-pole makers I bought recently and the e-book I downloaded from That Sugar Film which had a delicious icy-pole recipe. Well, there is a similar one on the website now called Dreamy Creamy Chocolate.

Give it a try and I am sure you will like it. There are other recipes on that page as well. I think some of the recipes from the e-book I bought are now incorporated into a new one called Low Sugar Snacks.

Talking about e-books, I Quit Sugar has a new free one called Just Add Water and there are recipes in there for all seasons so download it and take a look and I think you will find a drink that appeals to you which doesn't contain heaps of sugar.

Have a relaxing weekend everyone. Spare a thought for the people of West Australia who are coping with a devastating bushfire south of Perth. I believe the township of Yarloop has almost been wiped out and other towns are threatened as well. I hope everyone in the area stays safe.


  1. Replies
    1. They are easy to make, Chrissy. A good project for beginners.

  2. Icypole maker - yum. I suppose you already know that if you put banana through a blender and then freeze it like as if it were homemade icecream it has the same consistency and properties as icecream? You can add any fruit of flavours you like to blended banana.....perhaps try it in the icypole molds?

    1. Yes I have done that with the frozen banana, Phil. Actually I just found a poor old banana in the freezer that must have been lost in there since last year ;-)

  3. You've been quite productive this week. Good for you!!!!!
    I've never heard them called icy poles. What a cute name. We call them ice pops at our house.
    Thanks so much for visiting me this week!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

    1. Yes Laura, some of the terminology used in our countries is quite different.

  4. Love the skirts Chel. Have taken note of the site on the off chance I ever get grandchildren! Sugar free ideas also welcome. I relapsed a bit while on holidays and at Christmas but back on track now and feeling better for it.

    1. I thought you did have grandchildren, Hutchy. Oh well, fingers crossed. I also relapsed a little over Christmas with the sugar and put on weight straight away. It needs to come off ASAP.

  5. Love the little skirts and shorts, was watching he news of the huge fires in Au., we are praying for those in the area, living in the western US we are very fire conscious ourselves and feel for others in the same boat!

    1. Kathy, the fires are on the other side of the country from where we live. They are very tragic. A couple of our DTE members live in that area. So many houses have been lost. Very sad.

  6. The skirts and shorts are gorgeous Chel, im sure they will be well loved and well worn xoxo


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