Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Would you like to learn more about chooks?

We have had a few chooks on and off for a number of years and they were always looked after by the CEO before I retired from the paid workforce but I have been keen on learning more about them myself for some time and when I read on Eight Acres that Liz was working on an eBook about chicken tractors I eagerly waited for her to finish it  so that I could buy it.

 Well, she did finish it and I think I bought it the first day she announced that it was for sale. I had a quick look through it but there is so much information there to take in and life got busy with my grandchildren coming for Christmas etc. that I didn't find the time to sit down and have a good read. 


Liz asked me to review her eBook which is something I have never done before and I am not sure I can do it justice but will have a try so here we go. Really, this isn't an eBook just about design and construction considerations when building your own chicken tractor. It covers so much more like how to care for chicks, how to plan your flock and what type of breed to buy. 

Then once you have bought your chooks, she shares her ideas about what to feed them which I found extremely interesting. Then there are suggestions on how to trim a rooster's spurs if you live in an area where you are allowed to keep them and how to encourage them to live together peacefully if you have more than one and there are heaps of other ideas in this section.

Liz finishes her book with suggestions about how to catch your chickens if you want to butcher them and prepare them for the table and she touches on how she and her hubby pluck and dress them before cooking. Interspersed through the eBook are photos of healthy chickens and roosters as well as various chicken tractors on their farm. 

For around AU$5 this is a really good buy if you are interested in learning more about chooks and chicken tractors. If you would like to have your own copy you can buy it here. If you don't want to buy online just email Liz and she will work something out with you. Now I need to sit down and read all that information once again as there is so much to learn. 

My daughter, son-in-law and the children arrived back in Mt.Isa after a very tedious trip at the weekend. After getting lost by going on a different route from normal, the first leg of the drive turned out to be a lot longer than it normally is. Apparently the signage isn't too good in some country areas but it was a lesson learned for next time I guess. I just wish the QANTAS flights weren't so expensive and they could fly down south and hire a car but at something like $360 per person one way it is just out of the question. 

The temperature up there has been 41C but at least there has been some rain while they have been away so it is not quite so dry and dusty and the city greens up very quickly. I have already booked my flight for May so that is not all that far away. It is much cheaper to book about six months ahead....not that anyone knows what is going to happen in six months time ;-) 

Have a great week everyone. 



  1. Looks like a great resource - but then again everything that Liz puts together is great quality and packed with info.

  2. Sometimes reading about something you love can be a good substitute for having it. I have found some really excellent books about chickens through the library and they are some of my favorite books to settle in a comfy chair with some nice cookies and tea.

  3. Thanks for the lovely review Chel! Really happy that you found it useful :)

  4. Aah chickens!! Soon maybe I will have need of a chicken tractor, and Farmer Liz's book. Here's hoping!


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