Thursday, 23 March 2017

The old and the new

As many of my readers would know I have been involved in Rhonda's Down to Earth forum for a number of years. During that time I have come to know other members from around the world and at the touch of a computer mouse there was always someone on the forum to share with about daily living, how to make sourdough, soap, stockpiling and so on.

However, the time came last week for Rhonda to chose the forum down as she is busy with her growing family and as most people would be aware it does take a lot of time administer such a busy forum. Many thanks to Rhonda for her years of hard work there.

Of course, many of the members were quite disheartened at the thought of losing contact with such close forum buddies so a few brave souls set out to start up a new forum called The Homemaker's Forum and the Grand Opening was on Monday 20th March so it is brand new.

Source: Meagre Makes More: Used with permission

Another challenge which is going to start up in the coming month or so is for those who want to make their first batch of soap. So if you would like some support as you branch into the addictive world of soapmaking join the forum and read about what supplies you need before starting off with the rest of the members. That soap in the photo is currently sweating in all the humidity we have been having lately and was almost dripping when I looked at it earlier. It is an olive oil and castor oil soap and the other soap that is curing is a little 'sweaty' but nothing like this one. It is in the laundry so is probably not the driest room in the house to start off with but it will dry out eventually.

Something else I learned from the new forum was that Supercheap Auto have these jugs on special which are microwaveable and would be great for soap making. They look similar to the ones used on The Soap Queen  although a tad cheaper as they are currently selling for $8 for one or $9 for two...give or take a few cents. The special might finish at the end of the month so it would be worth checking them out if you are interested.

Here is another photo of the lone dragonfruit for those who are watching its progress. It is starting to get a bit of colour now and there are obvious changes taking place. I will have to work out how to protect it from the pests as I believe they will be attracted to the ripening fruit. At least the chooks can't reach it.

Talking about the chooks, I am sad to say they have dug up some of the CEO's Dahlia bulbs/tubers but with the recent rain some of the ones they have left have started flowering which is nice because they take the attention away from the weeds underneath them. 

Thanks for all your well wishes for my recovery and I am happy to report that the rash is much better and I have actually been able to brave going to the shopping centre once again. I still do get a few stares though but perhaps they are just thinking how beautiful I look. LOL!

UPDATE: One of my readers has contacted me to say that they weren't able to register on the new forum. If you have any trouble could you let me know via the Contact Form on the sidebar and I will forward your email to the Admin ladies if that is okay. I am sure they would love to know if there are any problems with registering. 

Also if you have trouble trying to find the comment box on Mrs.Meagre's blog just click on the post title and the comment box will come up. It is a Wordpress blog so is a little different from a Blogger blog. 

Have a relaxing weekend everyone!


  1. Ohhh nannachel I feel like I've won an award, getting a mention here in your blog :) Squee.

    I am looking forward to all the new challenges in the forum. I am joining soapmaking one myself as I am sure I still have a lot to learn.

    Glad you are well and brave enough to go to the shopping centre again. I am sure they are wondering how you got to be so beautiful! ;) -mrsmeagre

    1. Ha ha, Mrs.Meagre. At least the left half of my face isn't covered in a rash now. Glad to see you will be joining in the soapmaking although I am sure you are already competent.

  2. A big warm thank you Chel for mentioning my new blog, you are so lovely. I received so much help from a number of very thoughtful and giving people to get my blog up and running and I am so grateful. The main driver in all of this was you Nanna Chel. Your generosity giving so much of your time and patience and sharing so many ideas, tips, tutorials...... the list is endless. Hugs and kisses just for you xx.

    I just love Mrs. Meagre's blog. She is an amazing baker and I am a keen follower of her blog.

    Happy to hear you are out and about again too. That was a long road.

    1. You're welcome, Kylie. You are doing well with your blog.

  3. I must register for your new forum, always looking for advice and new ways of old as such to continue the simple and happy life.

    1. Yes do sign up, Clarissa. Numbers will be capped eventually. Good to hear from you again.

  4. Well said, a very valuable and caring member you are.

    1. Deb, your avatar has improved since I saw it a few minutes ago on the forum. LOL!

  5. I am so glad that you have a forum! I know how wonderful these things are. Blessings!

  6. By the are you healing up?

  7. I am getting better gradually, Chrissy. The rash has almost cleared up but my face is still red and I don't feel 100% yet so I probably had some kind of virus.

  8. Yay, I am so happy to hear there is a new forum! Thank you ladies and gents!


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