Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Bag Frenzy Workshop

After a break of a couple of months our Simple Living Toowoomba group will start the year off on the 9th February with a fantastic workshop called Bag Frenzy.  Sisters Valda and Neralie will be showing us how they make their fabric bags and will be bringing along a sewing machine to demonstrate different techniques as well as scraps of fabric to experiment on.

They make a variety of bags like the pencil holder above.... well as some beautiful ones from recycled denim....

 ....which are very quirky.... you can see :-)

As you can tell they are very talented and I think they will be great teachers. 
Here is the information our fearless leader, Margy has sent out:

Bag Frenzy

Date:    9 February
Time:    10-12 noon
What:   Neralie and Valda will be demonstrating how to make a couple of different types of fabric bags.  They will show us a number of different ways to attach handles and how to decorate the bags using applique and reverse applique.  They will also be providing the materials for you to practice doing the applique yourself.  Please bring along a pair of sewing scissors and needles.  If you don't have them don't worry, there will be plenty to share.  

Neralie and Valda will also be bringing along some of the beautiful bags they have made.  Their work is very inspiring!

Check out the attachment for more information and pictures. 

Where: Range Christian Fellowship, 15 Blake St, Toowoomba.
Cost:    $5
RSVP:   6 February to
If you are interested in coming then check out the PDF on the Simple Living Toowoomba website Workshop Information. I am not clever enough to attach a PDF here on my blog although there must be a way I am sure. LOL!

I am sure this will just be the start of some very informative and enjoyable workshops we will have on offer this year so if you live in the region and would like to take a trip up the Range then come along and join us. Everyone is welcome. 
As I mentioned in a previous post our workshops will be held on the second Saturday of the month depending of course, on whether the church, which kindly allows us to use their kitchen, needs to use the room for an event. If you would like to go on our email list then just let us know.
Have a great week everyone.



  1. These bags are beautiful. I reckon I would attend if I was up that way.

    Sorry I have just discovered that my comments have been getting lost in ether for the past couple of days, that is why I have been quiet.

    1. That's strange about the comments. A number of readers on Rhonda's Down to Earth blog have the same problem for some reason. I know a friend of mine can't comment on her iPhone for some reason. It's a mystery :-)

  2. I love those bags with fun characters. I'm sure it will be a very informative workshop.

    1. Nil, I am looking forward to it as it should be fun.

  3. there are some wonderful ideas there - I just love making bags out of scraps, so will be keeping those ideas in mind. We dont have anything like that here, but I have a couple of ladies that come over once a month for "crafternoons". I love that fellowship of crafts and a cup of tea!

    1. You could start up your own simple living group ;-) It's just a case of finding a suitable venue with a kitchen and some presenters. Of course there is the issue of insurance too. Then again it is probably easier to just have your craft afternoons. LOL!

  4. Can we move Hervey Bay and Toowoomba just a little closer together?

    1. Ha ha problem :-) I hope you can arrange a visit here when we have a workshop during the year.

  5. I might be going away on the 19th of Feb, Chel, but if I can, I'd like to attend this workshop on the 9th. Thanks for posting about it. :)

    1. I hope you can make it, Chris. It will be nice to catch up again.

    2. Yes, it would be great to touch base with everyone again. We still bring something for the swap I imagine? At least, that's what I'm planning to do. :)

    3. Yes Chris, the swap will be on at each workshop as usual.

  6. It looks like a wonderful workshop Chel. I hope all the attendees have a great time.

  7. what a wonderful time you will have and come home with imaginations set on overdrive :D

    1. Our two presenters are very inspiring, Sue.


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