Monday, 3 June 2019

Procrastination doesn't pay

Well, I got caught out well and truly when my PC just wouldn't turn on over the weekend. I knew it would happen eventually as it must be well over 10 years old but, you know the old story, 'It will never happen to me'. LOL! I have heard all the stories of people losing everything on their computer. However, I did save a lot of photos and files onto the external hard drive so things aren't so bad in the scheme of things. So for now I am using my son's old laptop which takes forever to boot up but if that is the only problem I have in my life than I can't complain at all.

I am getting all kinds of error messages on this laptop when I try to upload photos onto this post so I will be glad to get my new PC on Wednesday. The salesman could sell ice to an eskimo but I tried to sound like I knew what I was talking about so hopefully didn't get ripped off but I asked to get the software installed so I didn't have to worry about sorting that out when I got the PC home. 

Now that I am checking out what is on the external hard drive I found these photos that I had taken in one of the Carnival of Flowers private gardens a few years back. Castoff kitchen utensils had been used to make these really interesting owls that were hung amongst the bushes. 


I always meant to make some of these and did begin collecting old bits and pieces but then forgot about it. I did come across some old egg lifters when the kitchen was being renovated and wondered what I had kept them for. Sigh!  

Also in the same garden mentioned above was this sign on the way out. I loved it. I am not sure if this garden is still featured in the Carnival of Flowers this year but similar ones will be on view so if you are intending to visit our area when Spring starts then don't miss this fantastic event if you love flowers. This year it will be held from the 20th to 29th September but if you visit the week before that it will be less crowded. All the information can be found here.

Well, I just might check all the other folders on this external hard drive before the new PC moves in. I am sure to find a few more surprises that I didn't realise I had saved on there. I hope all Aussies that are in line for the new cold front keep nice and warm. We had a couple of days of respite  when it was raining lightly over the weekend and it was a balmy 10C at night unlike what we are expecting this coming week. This winter so far has been a bit like the winters of old when Toowoomba was known for its cold weather. Brrr! It's time to rug up again.


  1. Glad to hear you are getting a new PC , Chel.
    My laptop is about 9 years old and takes forever to start. I think I too should start looking for a new one soon.

    Stay warm. XX

    1. Nil, the old laptop is soooooo slow it is hardly worth using and it wouldn't let me upload my photos in Blogger so I had to copy and paste them. Thankfully that worked.

  2. I am glad that you are all sorted out. Gosh those owls are lovely arent they? Gardening Australia featured Toowoomba last week!

    1. Yes, I saw that episode about the Mulberry Project. We were hoping to have one of their ladies do a cooking demo for our simple living group last year but they were too busy. They have their gardens at the Toowoomba Show which I think is where Costa and Paul West met them last year.

  3. Oh Chel, the news that I will need to replace my laptop in another couple of years is completely stressing me. As one who tries to hang onto everything for as long as possible, this is my nemesis. I guess I don't really belong in this So glad you were prompted to look at your stored photos though, these sculptures made from scrap utensils are incredible. I'd love to make one or two to hang in some trees. XX

    1. Sally, as unbelievable as it sounds in this day and age when what goes into landfill is such a huge issue, the salesman said the newer computers are built to last only five years. I was a tad miffed to hear put it mildly.

  4. i love those owls! so gorgeous. i have a small sculpture made of forks and spoons, which sits proudly on my shelf. so thrifty too, not wasting old cutlery. my laptop is still going well after several years, so i hope it stays that way. i backup everything regularly 'cos you just never know! cheers sherry

    1. Sherry, I love the crafty items made from cutlery. One of our Op Shops sells wind chimes made with spoons. I would have bought one but didn't like the colours although they would be easy enough to make.


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