Wednesday 7 June 2023

The beginning of winter

Although the cold weather actually started here in May we are now officially in winter. The seasons seem to be very jumbled lately but I am not complaining that we missed the searing temperatures in the high thirties during summer. 

Some of the bulbs are starting to flower and there are dozens of jonquils, freesias and I am not sure what else that are popping up. I have been taking note of where they are so that I don't throw them out when I am weeding down the track. 

The Eucharis Lily is flowering at present. 

I was trying to find a chrysanthemum this year that was a bit different from those we already had but most of the ones at Bunnings and elsewhere had smallish flowers and similar colours to those already in the garden. However, at the Farmers' Market a few weeks ago we came across this beauty which has large flowers and was a bit more expensive than those at Bunnings but I couldn't resist. So far I haven't killed it. 

The Firesticks are looking amazing at the moment and add a touch of colour to a winter garden. 

We saw this little fellow sitting in the pecan nut tree this morning and, even though we walked underneath the branch it was on, it didn't move. Hours later it was still there so we wondered if it was sick but it was gone by the end of the day. It was so tame. 

You may remember that I mentioned in my last post that my hubby bought a beautiful dahlia but overnight the flowers were eaten by a possum. Someone mentioned to me that they had success using quassia chips which are available from Mudbrick Herb Cottage.  I am going to give them a try so will let you know if they work. A possum even put a hole in a bag covering some chillies recently. 

I have had difficulty adding a comment to some Blogger blogs lately as I am normally on my iPad. I find it is so hard to leave a comment on my phone with its small screen but, as it is an Android, I can leave one easily if I can cope with the small screen. Strangely enough, I can comment on some blogs anonymously on my iPad but have to remember to sign my name but with others I can't at all. Perhaps it has something to do with the Blogger's settings. I really have no idea but years ago it wasn't a problem. Technology!

I hope everyone is well. COVID is alive and well in our town with a couple of friends just recovering from it for the first time and I have read of some people having it three times! Stay well!


  1. Hi Chel, my fire sticks got frosted in our first frost of the season which was a doosey. I suspect it will go to the compost bin in spring. We’re down for more frosts this week so winter is definitely here. Cheers Barb

    1. Barb I didn’t realise the firesticks were frost tender. I will have to move the pot. Chel

  2. The flowers look beautiful. Yes, technology can sometimes have a mind of it's own which can be frustrating. Have a good week. Kathy A, Brisbane

  3. Your flowers are way ahead of ours. It will take a long winter to pass before freesias make a showing in our garden, though the jonquils are beginning to show their leaves. We have just finished the autumn Nerines.


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