Sunday 31 January 2021

First batch of soap for 2021

 Recently I got the urge to make a batch of soap and seeing as I hadn't used my loaf mould for a couple of years I decided to do the 'hanger swirl' which you may have read about in the blog post The Hanger Swirl in 2017. It turned out a lot darker than I had hoped but not as dark as it looks in the photos. 

Sunday 17 January 2021

Time is moving along

 Well, here we are in the middle of January already. I find it is hard to keep track of the days since I retired as my life used to revolve around the school year. Some days I wake up and have to spend time trying to work out what the date is. LOL! However, regardless of whether we remember the day or date, time moves on and today I thought I would take stock of what I have been up to lately as I am dreadful at keeping a diary but can always look back at my blog and see what has been going on in a certain month. 

Wednesday 6 January 2021

Summer storms and a new year

 As I type this blog post tonight it is raining heavily as the severe storms that were forecast passed through our area late this afternoon and, according to Weatherzone, 33mm has fallen at the airport. I haven't been outside to check our gauge but will do that in the morning and I think it will be quite full judging by the sound on the tin roof. It has been very muggy here which is not all that usual for us but hopefully our farmers are getting some of this liquid gold. I have been learning how to loom knit and have finished my first scarf which will be donated to the homeless once the cold weather hits this year. 


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