Sunday, 19 November 2023

Christmas Gift Ideas

As Christmas is just around the corner and I know that many of my readers are crafty little vegemites I thought I would remind you of crafts I have listed previously in the blog post Christmas Gift Ideas in case there is anything there that you would like to try. 

Origami Christmas Wreath

 Here are a couple of crafts not in that blog post that might also interest you. 

Twiddlemuffs for dementia sufferers

It was unbearably hot here last week but thankfully it has cooled down now and, according to the forecast, we are in for a few days of rain. It has been very dry with bushfires breaking out in various regions and another one started in our area last night so the rain will be very welcome. If you live in Queensland I hope that you stay safe if there are any storms as there was major damage done down the Range from us last week. 

Have a wonderful week!


  1. So many wonderful ideas. I am not crafty enough to try any of them though. We have had rain this week, I hope you had some too.

  2. Yes we had enough rain last week to have it come through the roof into where I was sitting in the lounge room. I wondered what was going on. My hubby says he needs to go through the manhole and see where the rain is coming in....the next time it rains. :-)


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