Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Spring has sprung

Well, Spring brought with it a heatwave of sorts this year. We went from having cold weather to 30C or so which was a bit of a shock to be honest. The plants are all confused I am sure and I imagine the gardeners in the parks and gardens in town are doing their best to stop all the plants from flowering too early for the Carnival of Flowers which is on from the 13th September to the 7th October. 

Our cliveas are flowering .....

...and looking lovely as usual. 

I grew sweet peas for the first time and, so far, not many have flowered so I am not sure if I should be adding something to the soil to produce more flowers. Any clues? Next year I will buy some different coloured sweet peas as all mine are the same colour. 

A friend gave me some seeds for my recent birthday including these banana passionfruit seeds which I planted before reading the instructions which said to soak them in warm water for 24 to 48 hours so I doubt they will do well. Oops!

I saw this hydrangea at Bunnings the other day which looked interesting and I twisted my hubby's arm to buy it (he really doesn't like hydrangeas). I can't wait to see it flower. 

 I have hundreds of hollyhock seeds which makes me wonder why I bought a punnet of Summer Carnival hollyhocks at a nursery earlier in the year. I was keen to see what the colours would be and this dark pink one is now starting to flower and I hope there will be a variety of colours as time goes on. Hollyhocks are such stunning flowers. 

I had better publish this while on the PC or it will never get done. I hope everyone is enjoying peaceful weather as it has been a mixed bag here in Australia with storms and wind in the south and heatwave conditions in the north. Some rain (in moderation) would be nice at the moment. 

Have a great day!


  1. I always enjoy seeing your beautiful flowers! It's about to be fall here in the US and I am looking forward to that but not the winter that is coming. Hope you have a blessed day!

    1. Monica, you get much harsher winters than we do I must say. I hope the coming one is mild this time. Chel

  2. My Mum grew sweet peas every year when we were kids and ever since I've been here I buy the seeds every year and never plant them. I did have success one year and they looked good but then died. I do know you plant them on St Patricks Day in March and having a trellis for them to grow up is key. I didn't make it to Toowoomba this year but funny enough both my kids [20 and 18] went up with their friends but not on the same day. It's 32 today in Brisbane and very hot. Have a great week. Kathy A, Brisbane

    1. Kathy, I didn't go to any of the parks during the Carnival of Flowers. This was the first time in ages. I will plant sweet peas again next year. They seem to grow well here and it was the first time I had planted them.


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